jwt-authorizer 0.10.1

jwt authorizer middleware for axum and tonic


JWT authoriser Layer for Axum and Tonic.


  • JWT token verification (Bearer)
    • Algoritms: ECDSA, RSA, EdDSA, HMAC
  • JWKS endpoint support
    • Configurable refresh
    • OpenId Connect Discovery
  • Validation
    • exp, nbf, iss, aud
  • Claims extraction
  • Claims checker
  • Tracing support (error logging)

Usage Example

# use jwt_authorizer::{AuthError, JwtAuthorizer, JwtClaims, RegisteredClaims};
# use axum::{routing::get, Router};
# use serde::Deserialize;

# async {

    // let's create an authorizer builder from a JWKS Endpoint
    // (a serializable struct can be used to represent jwt claims, JwtAuthorizer<RegisteredClaims> is the default)
    let jwt_auth: JwtAuthorizer =

    // adding the authorization layer
    let app = Router::new().route("/protected", get(protected))

    // proteced handler with user injection (mapping some jwt claims)
    async fn protected(JwtClaims(user): JwtClaims<RegisteredClaims>) -> Result<String, AuthError> {
        // Send the protected data to the user
        Ok(format!("Welcome: {:?}", user.sub))

        .serve(app.into_make_service()).await.expect("server failed");
# };


Validation configuration object.

If no validation configuration is provided default values will be applyed.

docs: jwt-authorizer::Validation

# use jwt_authorizer::{JwtAuthorizer, Validation};
# use serde_json::Value;

let validation = Validation::new()
                    .iss(&["https://issuer1", "https://issuer2"])

let jwt_auth: JwtAuthorizer<Value> = JwtAuthorizer::from_oidc("https://accounts.google.com")


A check function (mapping deserialized claims to boolean) can be added to the authorizer.

A check failure results in a 403 (WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="insufficient_scope") error.


    use jwt_authorizer::{JwtAuthorizer};
    use serde::Deserialize;

    // Authorized entity, struct deserializable from JWT claims
    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
    struct User {
        sub: String,

    let authorizer = JwtAuthorizer::from_rsa_pem("../config/jwtRS256.key.pub")
                        |claims: &User| claims.sub.contains('@') // must be an email

JWKS Refresh

By default the jwks keys are reloaded when a request token is signed with a key (kid jwt header) that is not present in the store (a minimal intervale between 2 reloads is 10s by default, can be configured).